Web Based Equation Editor
JMathWeb is a very lightweight (~60 KB) Javascript library that provides visual equation editing capabilities to your web projects. Helps your clients create acedemic material without installing any software, all GUI driven, no need to memorize tags pr commands!
JMathWeb is based on JMathEdit, which works as an editor server. A powerful equation editor is provided with little resources required.
Key Features
- Easy to use, learn and share
- Hundreds of symbols, shortcuts to Greek letters and to frequently used symbols
- Matrices, many fence elements, root and fraction elements
- Stretchy arrows, fences and other symbols
- Allows multi line subelements at each editable area
- Large operators, such as integration, summation, multiplication, at normal and script sizes
- Sub, super, over, under scripting, at many levels
- MathML (embedded in XHTML) save/load
- Live LaTeX and MathML code as you type
- SVG, PNG, RTF and EMF export
- Copy-paste support
- Customizable font sizes, font faces and spacing
- Easy styling using preset themes
- Multi-level undo/redo
- Coloring
- Zoom/zoomout
- Integration with all JS toolkits (plain JS, React, Angular, Vue..)
Last modified on 2024-02-11
by admin