JWord v4
Rich Text Editor for JavaTM (JavaFX and Swing)

A Powerful Component For Various Applications
Also Works Under JavaFX
Altough the barebone editor is still a Swing component, the new interface provides JavaFX compatible dialogs, toolbars and menus. A fully decorated text editor is now available for your FX applications, both as a separate frame and as a component.
JWordWeb, a web interface to JWord:
No you can also use JWord within web applications too. Using a tiny JS library web applications are able to display, compose and save desktop documents.
Click for details.about JWordWeb
Altough the barebone editor is still a Swing component, the new interface provides JavaFX compatible dialogs, toolbars and menus. A fully decorated text editor is now available for your FX applications, both as a separate frame and as a component.
Key Features
- Advanced character formatting
- Advanced paragraph formatting
- Paging, multi-column layout
- Header-footer and support for multi-section documents
- Tables, nested tables, tables with irregular layout
- RTF, ODF (OpenDocumentFormat) and XML save/load
- XHTML save and load
- PDF and XSL-FO export (Requires Apache FOP)
- Conversion from various formats to others (RTF, XHTML, PDF, XSL-FO)
- Spell checker and proof reader integration
- Copy-paste (as WMF, EMF, RTF, BMP, TXT)
- Vector and bitmap image support (JPG, PNG, GIF, WMF, EMF, PNG and SVG)
- Fields, Symbols
- Form fields and form processing
- Named styles for character, paragraph and table elements
- Quick styles
- Bullets and numbering
- Multi-level undo-redo, find-replace, drag- drop
- Mail-merge
- Extensible and customizable interfaces